Best Practice Software

Asthma Templates in Bp Premier – Now Available!

Asthma Templates in Bp Premier

We recently partnered with Asthma Australia to develop two asthma templates in Bp Premier, which are now available to your Practice for free. The Asthma Australia Referral and Asthma Action Plan are templates that GPs can populate with patient information from within Bp Premier. 

Asthma Australia Referral

Asthma templates in bp premier - asthma australia referral

Keep your asthma patients on track between visits with free telephone support. 

Refer your patients over three years old to Asthma Australia, and they will receive free support from trained Asthma Educators via the 1800 ASTHMA phone service. This service aims to work with the referrer to achieve improved asthma control in patients by providing additional evidence-based asthma self-management education and support. 

Referring is quick, easy and secure. 

Select the template from Bp Premier and send by Secure Message: HealthLink (asthmaus) or Fax (07 3257 1080). 

Asthma Action Plan

Asthma templates in bp premier - asthma action plan

Every person with asthma should have an Asthma Action Plan.

They are an efficient self-management tool and their effectiveness in reducing the risk of emergency complications is well established.

The Asthma Australia Asthma Action Plan is available as a template within Bp Premier, facilitating the process of reviewing and updating plans at least annually, to ensure patients are maintaining their asthma control between visits.

Both of these templates are resources that health professionals can utilise to assist people living with asthma, providing them with tools to be proactive in managing their symptoms, and reducing the severity of complications. Asthma Australia is a for-purpose consumer organisation with a history of improving the lives of people living with asthma. For more information on Asthma Australia, visit
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How Bp Premier Features Help to Improve Consultation Efficiency

Bp Premier Features Blog Article

Contributed by guest author, Dr Stephen Jelbart.

Haven’t we progressed since the introduction of information technology! We doctors can do everything so much more efficiently nowadays, compared to the old days of pen, ink and card records. That’s what we like to think anyway, but have we actually improved? Have you really advanced and improved your efficiency in parallel with the IT? Are you keeping up? Did you know that Bp Premier features a range of ways in which you can achieve that coveted efficiency?

Your efficiency in generating patient notes, documents, and referrals is determined by your knowledge, understanding and proficiency in the use of the attributes of the software available.

Most people use Microsoft Word or something similar, but few people utilize the full power inherent in Microsoft Word. Templates, Macros, Tables, Nested Tables etc. Similarly with Microsoft Excel. I like to think that I can use a spreadsheet reasonably efficiently, but I was in awe and flabbergasted when I saw my friend, a chartered accountant, generate a business plan in Microsoft Excel within one hour, when is it had taken me the best part of two weeks to generate something that was not nearly as accurate and comprehensive! Figures, formulae and calculations flowed from his fingers with amazing speed. He generated a cash flow analysis with a simple ‘copy and extend’ manoeuvre that was not only amazing, but horrifying when he pointed out the long-term effects of ignoring ‘getting the cash through the door’. But that’s another story, a blog for the entrepreneurs to pursue!

Bp Premier is, without a doubt, the best general practice software available on the market in my opinion. However, I hope further improvements can be adopted (are you listening, development team?).

ACRRM and RACGP demand that we take detailed and comprehensive notes to cover all bases. It is also “best practice” for indemnity purposes to maintain succinct, accurate notes and this is where agile use of IT can help us do so. Let’s just take a quick look at how the layout in Bp Premier lets you do that easily.

  • On the left, at the top corner, you have patient name and address. Double-click up there (or F10) and you access patient demographics. I frequently check to see if all that info is accurate as you don’t want to be sending an SMS, for example, to an incorrect mobile number!
  • Moving down sequentially along the left-hand side of Bp Premier, you have the best guide available for ensuring your logical progression through systematic questioning and examination of the patient.
  • Start at the top and move down:
      • Allergies and Sensitivities
      • Current Notes
      • Past Visits
      • Past History
      • Medications
      • Immunisations (accurate documentation is now legally very important with COVID-19 shots)
      • Family and Social History
      • Etc.

It’s all there and laid out in a logical and sensible manner as a reminder to complete a comprehensive examination and history – all extremely important from the dreaded audit and accreditation point of view. 

Always Consult Previous Visits

I open this up and quickly scan through the most recent visits to ensure I’m on the right page when the patient comes in. Saves a lot of potential embarrassment.

Past History should, if data has been entered correctly, give you an idea of the current maladies. Make sure you use the database provided when adding PH. Don’t add free text to the main diagnosis – you can’t accurately search for free text entries! If your diagnosis or ‘Reason for Visit’ needs more detail, add that in the comments box at the bottom. Demote resolved issues to ‘Inactive’ to keep the current problems succinct and Up to Date. Make sure you enter the date of diagnosis when adding a problem – otherwise a long-standing history of Hypertension might appear to have been diagnosed in 2021!

The same is true with medications! Always review the medications list to ensure only current medications are included – otherwise any referral will likely contain a long list of pills and potions that haven’t been taken for years.

Next Up - Patient Notes!

Always look at your patient, listen to your patient, interact with your patient – taking time to do so is always well spent as you pick up ‘non-verbal’ communication that can hone your overall assessment. Let the patient talk and help tease out the main issues early in the consultation so that you can prioritise to ensure you address the important issues. Doing this early in the consultation helps to develop an early rapport and avoids that “… and just one more thing Doc” at the end of the consultation which can quickly erode the 15-minute consultation time allocated to your next patient. When you know all the issues, you can get your patient to make another appointment to address the less important problems.

You’ve now spent some time listening and you need to adequately document the consultation. You can save yourself heaps of time using ‘Autofill’. Spend the time to populate all your favorite notes into Autofill initially, and once they are in place you will save yourself heaps of time.

Let’s say your new patient has Hypercholesterolaemia and Hypertension and needs new prescriptions. You might just add those meds to the list, print them out and say ‘goodbye’, and ‘next please’ but it’s valuable for audit purposes to actually document that initial brief interaction. You can type that out long-hand (correcting your spelling as you go) or using Autofill and type:

‘Rpts’ (to generate from Autofill);
“Patient presents for repeat prescriptions” for
‘hc’ (to generate “Hypercholesterolaemia”) and
‘ht’ (to generate “Hypertension”) –

That’s just 14 characters typed to generate 70 characters. Very efficient!

Consider the patient with the common presentation of a mild URTI.
I type; ‘Li’ (shorthand for “Little to find”) and Autofill completes the following:

Patient presents with URTI symptoms for the past ? days.

On Examination:
Little to find.
No cough.
Dry cough.
Throat not red.
Throat slightly red.
No Lymphadenopathy.
Small upper cervical glands.
Chest clear.
No rash.

Then all you need to do is delete the bits you don’t want to ensure you leave the appropriate documentation. That’s two characters to enable 34 words! Not bad, eh? It does take a bit of practice to remember the short-cuts but after a week or so, you’re off and running.

Here’s another:

‘Knex’ (shorthand for Knee Examination)
This Autofill serves as a reminder of the elements of a comprehensive knee examination.
Add / Delete or modify after your examination.

Examination of the Knee: LEFT / RIGHT
Normal gait / limp?
Any swelling or deformity / inflammation
Full and free Range of Motion? Active / Passive
Flexion limited by pain / stiffness to …Full extension?
Patella tap – No effusion / Small effusion
Patella crepitus – present / none
Anterior draw test; -ve / +ve
Lachman test; -ve / +ve
McMurray test for integrity of the meniscus
Tender on palpation? Joint line pain?
Varus and valgus stress to assess collateral ligaments
Pivot shift for ACL; -ve / +ve

So, there are a few ideas with some Bp Premier features to get you started if you haven’t already established a repertoire in Autofill.

Given that many GPs move around a lot nowadays, particularly the Registrars, it would be very handy (once again, development team take note!) to have the ability to download Autofill to a flash card to make all your hard work on developing software efficiency with Autofill, portable for your next Registrar assignment!

Authored by:

Stephen Jelbart Author Image

Dr Stephen Jelbart
Guest Blog Contributor for Best Practice Software

Dr Stephen Jelbart is currently practising at Plaza Medical Centre in Kalgoorlie, WA.

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Information Prescriptions: Integration Partnership with the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS)

information prescriptions in Bp Premier blog image

Recently, we partnered with the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) to make a range of NDSS Information Prescription templates available in Bp Premier’s Word Processor.

To help raise awareness among GPs and Practices, and to help you get started, we’ve created an overview below of each of these new templates. They are all available for free, however when it’s available, you will need to run the August Data Update. Links to do so are available on our downloads page.

What Are Information Prescriptions in Bp Premier?

Information Prescriptions are templates which can be personalised to specific patients. They are easy to read and have individual goals to help prevent diabetes health-related complications.

In the case of these new Information Prescriptions, they are designed to give people with diabetes the information that they need to understand, engage with, and improve on their health targets.

NDSS Information Prescriptions Available in Bp Premier

There are ten different Information Prescriptions available that we’ve added to Bp Premier in partnership with the NDSS. Three core prescriptions focus on blood pressure, cholesterol and HbA1c. They focus on the three key health markers that influence someone’s risk of diabetes health-related complications, where less than 50% of people with diabetes achieve the RACGP recommended targets.

The ten Information Prescriptions available are:

  • Diabetes and your cholesterol
  • Diabetes and your feet low risk
  • Diabetes and your feet moderate or high risk
  • Diabetes – keeping your kidneys healthy
  • Diabetes and kidney disease
  • Diabetes, contraception and pregnancy
  • Improving your diabetes knowledge
  • Diabetes and your blood pressure
  • Diabetes and your HbA1c
  • My emotions and diabetes

Each of these Information Prescriptions allow health professionals to record personalised information and test results, set individual goals to improve diabetes management, can be used to support the annual diabetes cycle of care, and are useful in quality improvement activities.

Each template is designed to support care planning. Health professionals can use the Information Prescriptions to engage with the person with diabetes and record personalised goals and give them a resource to take home and use. 

Diabetes and Your Cholesterol

This Information Prescription explains what cholesterol is, and why it is important to manage. You can record recent cholesterol results and gives you the opportunity to discuss the documented strategies to improve cholesterol levels and set two health activities or goals that the person can work towards.

information prescriptions diabetes and cholesterol screenshot

Diabetes and Your Feet - Low Risk

This Information Prescription describes why footcare is particularly important for people living with diabetes. It explains how damage can occur and provides strategies to use to maintain healthy feet. It gives you the opportunity to discuss the documented strategies to maintain healthy, low risk feet and set two health activities or goals the person can work towards.

information prescription feet low risk screenshot

Diabetes and Your Feet - Medium to High Risk

This Information Prescription identifies why it is important to manage footcare and helps explain the higher risk to the person living with diabetes. It also provides a link for health professionals to access up to date information at It gives you the opportunity to discuss the documented strategies to maintain healthy feet and set two health activities or goals the person can work towards.

Information prescription feet high risk screenshot

Diabetes - Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy

This Information Prescription explains how kidneys can be affected by diabetes and strategies that promote healthy kidneys. It explains the role of blood and urine checks and the importance of having regular screening. It gives you the opportunity to discuss the documented strategies to maintain healthy kidneys and set two health activities or goals the person can work towards.

information prescriptions keeping kidneys healthy screenshot

Diabetes and Kidney Disease

This Information Prescription explains how kidneys can be affected by diabetes as kidney disease progresses and strategies that promote healthy kidneys. It explains the role of blood and urine checks and the importance of having regular screening. It prompts consideration for management issues including blood pressure targets and medication review. It gives you the opportunity to discuss the documented strategies to improve kidney health and set two health activities or goals the person can work towards.

Diabetes, Contraception and Pregnancy

This Information Prescription explains the importance of planning for pregnancy and preparing for a healthy pregnancy with diabetes. It prompts consideration for management issues including medication review and screening needed prior to pregnancy. It also prompts referral to the diabetes health care team. It gives you the opportunity to discuss the documented strategies to consider at this time and set two health activities or goals the person can work towards.

information prescriptions contraception and pregnancy screenshot

Improving Your Diabetes Knowledge

This Information Prescription explains the importance of understanding what diabetes is and how it can affect the body. It promotes the benefit of accessing reliable information to make healthy lifestyle choices and when and where to seek support. It also prompts referral to the diabetes health care team. It gives you the opportunity to discuss the documented strategies to consider at this time and set two health activities or goals the person can work towards.

information prescriptions diabetes knowledge screenshot

Diabetes and Your Blood Pressure

This Information Prescription explains what blood pressure is and the importance of managing blood pressure with diabetes. It prompts consideration for management issues including medication review and screening. You can set a target blood pressure and it gives you the opportunity to discuss the documented strategies to consider at this time and set two health activities or goals the person can work towards.

information prescriptions blood pressure screenshot

Diabetes and Your HbA1c

This Information Prescription explains what HbA1c is and its importance in managing glucose levels and reducing the risk of diabetes related complications. It prompts consideration for management issues including medication review. You can set an individualised target and it gives you the opportunity to discuss the documented strategies to consider at this time and set two health activities or goals the person can work towards.

information prescriptions hba1c screenshot

My Emotions and Diabetes

This Information Prescription explains the importance of recognising that living with diabetes can affect emotional well-being and identifies triggers that people are more likely to experience and changes to how they feel. It provides steps to discuss and promote wellbeing and it gives you the opportunity to discuss the documented strategies to consider at this time and set two health activities or goals the person can work towards.

information prescriptions my emotions and diabetes screenshot

Each of these Information Prescriptions are invaluable tools that health professionals can utilise to empower people living with diabetes to monitor their own condition and set goals to be proactive in their own care.

The NDSS is an Australian Government Initiative administered by Diabetes Australia. The NDSS has adapted the Diabetes UK Information Prescriptions for Australian use.

For more information on the NDSS, go to

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Tips From Our Trainers: Bp Premier Contact Notes!

tips from trainers contact notes blog image

With face-to-face patient contact being limited due to quarantine, lockdowns, and illness, phone consults are now the new normal.  Telehealth notes are recorded as part of a consultation, but what about recording other phone calls or communication with patients? This is where Bp Premier Contact Notes can assist, and in this article I’ll offer some tips on how to use them. If you haven’t utilised them before, let’s take a minute to introduce how they can be of benefit to you and your Practice.

A Contact Note represents any attempt by the Practice to contact a patient by phone, letter, SMS, mobile app, or even when using external email applications.  It will record the essentials: when contact was made, who the contact was with, what the contact was about, how the contact was made, and the success status.

One of the great things about Bp Premier Contact Notes is that your Practice can create customised contact reasons specific to your team, like chasing up overdue invoices, speaking with a specialist on behalf of patients, or booking an ambulance transfer.

You can add new reasons quickly and easily by accessing Setup > Configuration > Lists tab

  1. Click Add under the list. The Reason for contact note window will appear.
  2. Enter your new contact reason: Specialist bookings.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Save again and close the Configuration screen.
Contact Note reason screen

Contact Notes are designed to not only support your patients, but also to support your team and business practices.

More Contact Note Tips in Bp Premier are available on our Knowledge Base from within Bp Premier. Click on Help > Online and search ‘Contact Notes’.

Authored by:

Belinda Bazant Author Image

Belinda Bazant
Content Developer at Best Practice Software

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MediSecure Prescription Exchange Service Now Available in Bp Premier


07 July 2021


Best Practice Software and MediSecure are pleased to announce that medical providers using Bp Premier practice management software are now able to select MediSecure’s prescription exchange service (PES) for transmitting ePrescriptions (accessed via a token) following a software update on June 9, 2021.

Best Practice Software’s latest update, Saffron Service Pack 1 (SP1), included support for digital token-based ePrescriptions to be sent via the MediSecure prescription exchange.

Medical practices have been utilising MediSecure to securely send electronic prescriptions between GP and pharmacy for some time now; with this latest update, Practices can choose between Australia’s two prescription exchange services for transmitting all electronic prescriptions between GP and pharmacy, be it barcoded paper script or token-based digital ePrescription.

Dr Frank Pyefinch, CEO and Founder said, “Best Practice Software has always understood that choice is important to our customers, and we are pleased to support our many users who choose MediSecure as their preferred prescription exchange provider”.

Dr Pyefinch explained that the sudden urgency to accelerate the rollout of ePrescribing in response to the COVID-19 crisis meant that Best Practice Software could not implement ePrescribing across both prescription exchanges simultaneously.

Paul Frosdick, Chief Executive Officer at MediSecure, said he was delighted to see the update reach all Bp Premier users.

“A significant number of our GP customers wanted to wait for Saffron Service Pack 1 before moving to ePrescriptions,” he said.

“Our users value the fact that we are Australia’s only independently owned prescription exchange, and we know that they appreciate the responsiveness of our service team. But perhaps most significantly, with the increasing fluidity of individual GPs working across multiple practices, our users love the fact that the prescriber set up on MediSecure is a two-click process managed at practice level”.

Since going live on June 9, over 160 Bp Premier MediSecure GP practices have activated ePrescribing and are issuing digital prescriptions to their patients.

“This is a fantastic result, and we will be working closely with our colleagues at Best Practice Software to maintain this rate of uptake over the coming weeks”, said Mr Frosdick.

*******End of Release*******

For Further Information Contact Paul Frosdick on 0400 766 566 and by email at

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Enhanced eOrdering – Available Now in Saffron SP1!

Diagnostic Imaging and Pathology eOrdering Blog Image

Saffron SP1 was released in early June and has some exciting new features! Diagnostic Imaging and Pathology eOrdering has been updated, and what users will see has changed as they request a pathology or diagnostic imaging service with one of our onboarded partners.

What is eOrdering?

An eOrder (or electronic request) is the digital version of a request for pathology or diagnostic imaging services. The HL7 message is generated using your Bp Premier software, then encrypted and delivered safely and securely to your nominated addressee using a secure messaging provider.

What Has Changed?

From Saffron SP1 there is a new streamlined process for configuring pathology and diagnostic imaging providers in Bp Premier. The new eOrdering setup screen includes all functionality required to set up and configure eOrdering providers for pathology and imaging, combining functionality found under Setup > Preferences > Pathology and Imaging and View > Contacts.

See Set up Pathology E-Ordering in Saffron SP1 and Set up Imaging E-Ordering in Saffron SP1 for more information. These are available on our Knowledge Base which can be accessed by clicking Help, then Online from within Bp Premier.

Doctors will see the pathology and diagnostic imaging partner’s logo and up-to-date contact details during the service request workflow, making getting in touch when needed a quick and easy process.

Pathology partners will now supply test lists, which will be kept up-to-date through our monthly data update process. Having a pathology provider supplied test list will ensure that a doctor is not only requesting a test that is offered by their selected pathology provider, but that the terminology is consistent between the Practice and provider processes and systems. In addition, recommended tests will be provided, saving doctors time as they will be able to quickly and easily add the recommended tests for a given medical condition or query.

Our imaging partners will now supply their printed request layout coordinates, again saving Practices time as this used to be a time-consuming manual process. Also, the printed request will now include a barcode so that the service request can be quickly selected on the provider’s system upon the patient arrival.

Training materials, designed to help you get the most out of Saffron SP1’s newest features, can be found in the ‘What’s New’ section of our Bp Premier Knowledge Base, and available to access around the clock. You can access the Knowledge Base from Bp Premier at any time by clicking Help, then Online, then searching for What’s New in Saffron SP1 article to see all of the new additions in this release.

What Are the Benefits of Using Enhanced eOrdering?

As the receiving pathology or diagnostic imaging provider has the eOrder sent to them securely and directly, there is no need for them to request and enter the patient’s data into their system once the patient arrives. eOrders mitigate the risk of error and provide the best possible experience for the patient.

In fact, using electronic requests can provide benefits to the requesting doctor, receiving pathology or diagnostic imaging service provider, patient and Practice!

They include:

  • The highest level of clinical safety and data integrity
  • Workflow efficiencies that are intuitive, save time and reduce errors
  • Confidence in the privacy and security of transmitted patient data
  • A single channel through which requests and results are sent or received

To help Bp Premier users understand the value eOrdering may introduce to your Practice, you can view our short video below on eOrdering: Benefits for Your Practice

Does My Patient Still Have Choice?

Of course! The patient can still decide to take the printed request to a provider of their choice. It is commonplace for diagnostic imaging and pathology providers to accept all referrals.

How Do I Get Involved?

Several diagnostic imaging pathology providers have already joined the Bp Partner Network! We recommend contacting them directly to start discussing the implementation of eOrdering at your Practice.

To view an up-to-date list of these partners, please visit the Bp Partner Network page on the Bp Software website.

Authored by:

Monica Reed Author Image for Diagnostic Imaging and Pathology eOrdering

Monica Reed
Commercial Partnership Leader at Best Practice Software

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Preparing for the Introduction of Medicare Web Services – Taking Your First Steps

preparing for medicare web services blog image

You’ll all be aware that Services Australia is upgrading the technology used by Practice management software such as Bp Premier and Bp to connect to digital health services such as Medicare online. Hopefully, you also know that this new technology will replace the existing Medicare client adapter and PKI certificates, and that will be facilitated by the use of PRODA. Most importantly, what you definitely need to know is that Practices must migrate to this new technology by March 2022, to maintain access to Medicare Online functionality.

What you might not know, is that while March 2022 may seem too far away to begin preparation, now is actually the perfect time for you to start preparing for Medicare Web Services. There are a few steps in this process and you can not only be across what this change is all about, you can also complete steps 1 – 4, right now. Imagine that – you’d already be 70% of the way there, and across one of the biggest technological changes in the healthcare industry for quite a while, with plenty of time to spare.

Ok, so you’re ready to take the first steps?

  • Firstly, familiarize yourself with what this change is all about, and how it will impact you and your Practice by clicking here to watch this short introduction to Medicare Web Services and PRODA.
  • Next up, click here to view Step 1. Registering an individual account in PRODA. Already got one? Fantastic! Onto the next step. Does everyone in the Practice need one? No. Not sure if that’s you? The clip in this step covers that.
  • Click here to access Step 2. Registering an organisation in PRODA. Already got one? Even better. Step 3 will be for you.
  • Click here to access Step 3. Managing members and delegates in PRODA.
  • Finally, this one is only relevant if you actually have subsidiary organisations. Click here to access Step 4. Add subsidiaries. Not sure you if you have any? The clip in this step will guide you through what they are, if they’re applicable to you and whether you need to register them.

And that’s pretty much it for now! You’re 70% of the way to preparing for Medicare Web Services access through your software! What happens next? Well the team here at Best Practice Software are working hard to develop the product versions integrated with Medicare Web Services by the end of Q3 this year. Plenty of time to complete the final two configuration steps from within your software. Stay tuned to our Knowledge Base and communications for more information, or you can contact us with any questions on

Authored by:

Suzi Eley Blog Author Image

Suzi Eley
Product Training, Knowledge & Deployment Leader at Best Practice Software

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Video: Using Contact Notes in Bp Premier

Contact Notes in Bp Premier Webinar Blog Post

This Be In The Know webinar focused on Contact Notes will demonstrate how Contact Notes can be utilised in your Practice to provide a high-level of patient care and meet your medico-legal obligations in Bp Premier.

The webinar will cover the following topics:
(Drag the progress bar in the video below to jump to a specific section)
– What are Contact Notes? [04:07]
– Why use Contact Notes and Where can they be raised? [09:24]
– Following-up Contacts and Resending Messages [22:00]
– Using Contact Notes for Recalls & Reminders [36:49]

Watch the video and join our expert trainer, Bec Bland, to learn about Contact Notes in Bp Premier!

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Medicare Web Services is Coming! What Does that Mean For Your Practice?

Medicare Web Services Coming Soon

An Update on Medicare Web services – for our Australian Customers

As you may be aware, Services Australia is upgrading the current technology used by practice management software, to connect to critical digital health services such as Medicare/DVA Claiming, Eclipse and the Australian Immunisation Register.

A number of our products currently connect to Services Australia via a Medicare Client Adaptor, which utilises a Medicare PKI certificate also known as a site certificate. As per the new requirements, practice management software vendors will be replacing this Medicare PKI certificate method with a Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account, which will lead to the replacement of the current Medicare Client Adaptor technology.

What does this mean for your Practice?

Practices may have already started receiving information about this change from Services Australia stating that from the 13th of March 2022, the current methods for accessing Medicare/DVA Claiming, Eclipse and the Australian Immunisation Register will no longer be available. To ensure your Practice is not impacted by this change it is extremely important you upgrade to a version of your software that supports Medicare Web services. We expect these updates to be available for our Bp Premier and Bp Practices in calendar year Q4 2021 in order to provide our customers with enough time to complete the upgrade prior to the March 2022 deadline.

From a software workflow perspective, we expect minimal change and the transition to using Medicare Web services for Practice staff will be seamless. However, there will be some configuration needed for some products, as part of the upgrade process, to ensure that you have linked your PRODA account as per the new requirements.

Our Training team is busily preparing education sessions, resources and Knowledge Base updates to assist our Practices in preparing and implementing these important changes!

As our Bp Allied product currently uses a third-party solution to deliver Services Australia functionality, these changes will occur in the background. From a software workflow perspective we expect minimal change, and the transition to using Medicare Web services for Practice staff should be seamless. However, there may be some configuration changes in Bp Allied as part of the upgrade process. There is no need for Bp Allied practices to complete any preparation activities at this stage. 

What can you do now to prepare? (For Bp Premier and Bp Practices only)

If your Practice does not currently have a PRODA account, we suggest creating one ahead of time to ensure you are familiar with its interface and the appropriate authorisation levels are set up for your organisation. This will become important when linking your practice management software (Bp Premier, Bp to your organisation’s PRODA account.  If you already have a PRODA account, you can jump right into linking Medicare Online as a service provider to your organisation. Easy to follow steps are provided on the Services Australia website under  “Learn how to add and link Medicare Online (including ECLIPSE, DVA and AIR) to your organisation in PRODA.”

We also highly recommend signing up to our training events, downloading our resources and thoroughly reviewing our Knowledge Base once notified that these are available. We expect to have more information regarding these resources at the end of May.

Any questions? Our team can also be contacted via email at

What is Best Practice Software doing?

We are currently enhancing our Bp Premier and Bp products to support the transition to PRODA and Medicare Web services. This functionality will be made available via our Program Updates from Q4 2021, providing our Practices with plenty of time to upgrade their software and become familiar with web services before the software vendors cut-off date in March 2022.

As mentioned above, our Bp Allied product product currently uses a third-party solution to deliver Services Australia functionality and these changes will occur in the background. From a software workflow perspective, we expect minimal change and the transition to using Medicare Web services for Practice staff will be seamless. However, there may be some configuration changes in Bp Allied as part of the upgrade process.

Are you interested in becoming an early adopter of Medicare Web services or do you have further questions?

Contact our team on We will register your interest and provide further information as we progress our development.

Authored by:

Jessica White Author Blog Picture

Jessica White
Manager of Commercial & Customer Enablement at Best Practice Software

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Special Offer for New-to-Tyro Bp Premier Customers

Tyro Eftpos Machine Receipt In Shape Of Heart

The Best Practice Software and Tyro EFTPOS integrated solution can help you to start the new year off right, giving you time back to focus on your patients and Practice.

Best Practice Software and Tyro are offering a Bp Virtual Training session* to the first 24 new-to-Tyro customers who join Tyro by 31 July 2021.

Are you an existing Best Practice Software customer who would benefit from some additional training for your team and practice?

We are offering a whole range of learning opportunities to enable you and your team to get the most from Bp Premier. Choose from a range of online group training courses with one of our experienced trainers who will guide you through content relevant to your role. Bp Virtual online group training brings direct support to your practice and helps to ensure you are maximising the capabilities of Bp Premier. It’s also the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you have.

The added bonus is that all training courses are recorded and will be emailed to you after training, so you can review and playback at a later date or share with new starters that join the team. Bp Virtual courses also come with a certificate of attendance for your records.

Why Tyro:

Tyro’s tailored health solutions are designed to take care of you and your patients. Here are some of the reasons why you’ll love the Best Practice Software and Tyro EFTPOS integrated solution:

  • Seamless integration – give your patients a fast, simple and efficient payment experience with the Tyro and Best Practice Software integrated payment solution
  • Tyro Portal – provides you with customised EFTPOS reporting in one handy location
  • Tyro pricing – competitive pricing tailored for your business
  • Integrated Medicare Easyclaim – offer patients on the spot Medicare rebate with Bp Premier Software
  • Multi-merchant – allowing multiple doctors and bank accounts on the one EFTPOS machine, integrated with your PMS
  • Tyro support – 24/7 Australian-based customer support
  • Lightning-fast speeds – keep queues short with fast transactions
  • Try Tyro for free – no lock-in contract, no set up fees and no cancel/break fees

How Does it Work?

  • Be an existing Best Practice Software customer who signs up to become a new-to-Tyro EFTPOS customer by 31 July 2021; and
  • If eligible, receive a free Best Practice Software Bp Virtual training session of their choice, valued at $275, which can be attended by one Practice staff member*.
  • For more information on Bp Virtual training sessions, click here.

To find out more information about Tyro or the offer, click here and a Tyro payments specialist will be in touch to talk about how Tyro can help your Practice.

*Best Practice Software and Tyro Campaign (Offer) Terms and Conditions

Important information

These Terms and Conditions together with the relevant Best Practice Software Terms and Conditions available at ( and the relevant Tyro Terms and Conditions available at  govern this Offer. By providing your details to Best Practice Software Pty Ltd (ABN 92 104 808 988) (Best Practice Software) and Tyro Payments Limited (ABN 49 103 575 042) (Tyro), in connection with this Offer, you agree to be legally bound by these Terms and Conditions. ‘you’ and ‘your’ mean the person or persons in whose name the account will be held with Best Practice Software and Tyro.

This Offer is available to existing Best Practice Software customers and new-to-Tyro customers who sign up with Tyro between 9.00am 04 January 2021 (Sydney time) and 5.00pm 31 July 2021 (Sydney time) (Offer Period) (New Customer). This Offer is not applicable in conjunction with any other Best Practice Software and/or Tyro offer. Best Practice Software and Tyro reserve the right to extend or withdraw this Offer at any time at their sole discretion. If Best Practice Software and Tyro withdraw the Offer, Best Practice Software will honour the Offer in respect of all New Customers that have their applications approved by Tyro before the Offer is withdrawn, provided the applicants satisfy all of the Eligibility Criteria. New Customers can cancel a live application at any time in the event that Best Practice Software and Tyro withdraw the Offer.

Subject to the remainder of these Terms and Conditions, the New Customer will receive a free Bp Virtual training session if the New Customer:

  • is an existing Best Practice Software customer located in Australia; and

  • is referred to Tyro by Best Practice Software; and

  • submits their new Tyro EFTPOS Banking Application to Tyro during the Offer Period; and

  • is approved as a Tyro EFTPOS Banking merchant within 30 days of submitting their application; and

  • is one of the first 24 customers to complete the above before 31 July 2021,

(the ‘Eligibility Criteria’). Best Practice Software and Tyro may, in their sole discretion, determine whether or not the Eligibility Criteria are met.

The New Customer is ineligible for the Offer if the New Customer:

  • has previously been a Tyro customer at any time within 6 months prior to the commencement date for the Offer;

  • is an additional terminal or MID (additional account for Tyro) to an existing location that already has a Tyro machine; or

  • is an additional location to an existing ABN.

Provided the Eligibility Criteria are met, the New Customer will be offered one (1) Bp Virtual Training Session valued at $275 (inc. GST) (as detailed here) per ABN per Practice, which can be attended by one staff member of the Practice. The Bp Virtual Training session must be undertaken by 31 December 2021.

Tyro Payments Limited ACN 103 575 042 AFSL 471951 is the issuer of its own financial products. As Tyro does not take into account your personal circumstances, please consider if these products are suitable for you. You can contact Tyro on 02 8907 1700 or and access Tyro’s dispute resolution process at Tyro may pay financial benefits and/or referral fees to its partners. 2021 © Tyro Payments Limited. All rights reserved
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