Best Practice Software

Best Practice Software Leadership

In the spirit of knowing our customers and what you need, we’d like you to get to know us.  We are proud to introduce the key members of the Best Practice Software team, working together to support our users and engage Australasian medical communities.

Craig Hodges


Group Chief Executive

Craig is an accomplished Australasian Health IT and governance leader, having served as Chair, Non-Executive Director, Committee Member, and Advocate on various hospital, health service, medical college, and community service boards and committees. 

Craig has served in a variety of roles at Best Practice, including General Manager, Chief Corporate & Legal Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and now our group Chief Executive. Craig also chairs our Executive Cabinet, Leadership Council, Clinical Senate, and Risk & Assurance Committees. He is passionate about our business, customers, team, and vendors, supports collaborative community partnerships throughout Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, and is working to continue shaping Best Practice as an active and engaged medical software leader.

Danielle Bancroft

Dip Soft Dev, M Pharm FAIDH MPS

Chief Product Officer

Danielle leads our business to provide our customers with focused digital health solutions that facilitate improved safety and optimal, patient-centred care.

 She has worked on multiple large-scale digital transformation projects, including the implementation of real-time prescription monitoring and the national ePrescribing rollout. She is a practising pharmacist and has experience in community, hospital and defence sectors.

Portrait photograph of Cameron Cowell

Cameron Cowell


Chief Customer Officer

Cameron acts as our chief customer advocate, directing our critical customer-facing teams to provide quality application support, sales and licensing, key account management, and marketing and communication functions. 

Cameron brings prime career experience in account management and customer service coordination, leading business development and account management solutions across a variety of sectors.

Teena Walsh

MProjMgt, MInfSys, AdvDipBus (HR)

Chief Information Officer

Teena directs our organisational approach to information security, IT networks and systems, and internal ICT service management. 

Teena brings extensive experience in senior ICT leadership, having worked across the public and private sectors as a skilled specialist in business process engineering, business and systems analysis, and Information Systems strategy, stakeholder and project management.

David Woodard


Chief Financial Officer

David is executive leader of our group finance, reporting, and business performance function, bringing to the role over 25 years’ experience in Finance-related sectors. 

David has worked for more than a decade at a major fund advisory firm, where he has held roles such as Project Manager, Manager Financial Services, and most recently the roles of CFO, Company Secretary and GM Operational Services.

Brendon Croft

Dip Mgmt, MBComm (HRM), MAHRI, GAICD

Chief Human Resources Officer

Brendon is executive leader of our human resources function, leading recruitment, selection, performance, and professional development for Team Bp. 

Brendon has worked in key HR roles in vocational training and accreditation and disability support, and enjoys helping organisations build a skilled, agile, and capable workforce, engaged with the organisation’s vision and culture.