Best Practice Software

Old vs New Bp Premier Reports – Answering your Frequently Asked Questions

Last month, our Bp Learning team ran a Be In the Know webinar on Bp Premier reports, specifically outlining the change in functionality between the Old Reports and the New Reports. If you missed that webinar, we’ve provided a recording for you to watch below.

We received feedback that while the reception of our new reporting system was generally positive, many users were asking similar questions around how to find functionality that may have moved in the updating of Bp Premier reports.

To assist, we’ve compiled a list of FAQs in this article, which should help you to find functionality in the new Bp Premier reports system. 

Q: Work Done Report – What is the New Report Equivalent?

bp premier reports equivalent report 1

 Q: Fees Taken Report – What is the New Report Equivalent?

Fees Taken Report Heading

Bp Premier Reports Fees Taken Report 

Q: Work Done by Doctor, Day Report, Single – What is the New Report equivalent?

A: The New Report equivalent is the Work Done by Provider by Date Report

Q: GST Taken Report – What is the New Report equivalent?

A: All New Reports contain a separate GST column if there is financial information included within the report. To find the Total GST Taken by your practice, use the Payments – by Account Type (grouped by payment created date) including related services Report, and take note of the GST in Total column.

Q: Banking Report – What is the New Report equivalent?

A: Depending on how you want to group the data, there are three New Reports which offer the equivalent of the Old Banking Report.

The most common New Banking Report is the Banking (grouped by date) using payment created date Report.

Other types of Banking Reports practices can use are:

  • Banking (grouped by bank account) using payment created date
  • Banking (grouped by provider) using payment created date

Q: Which report do I use to find all payments taken on the day?

A: The Daily Takings Report will provide a list of all payments received on a specific day. Reception staff should use the Daily Takings Report to balance cash, cheques, and EFT at the end of the day.

This report lists all the different payment types so you can print this report and use it as a reference when counting your cash and performing EFT settlements.

Bp Premier Reports Daily Takings Report

Q: Which New Report do I run if I want to calculate monthly gross earnings?

A: This depends on whether you pay your providers based on Services performed or Payments received.

If providers are paid based on Services performed, use the Services – by Account Type (grouped by service created) Report.

If providers are paid based on Payments received, use the Payments – by Account Type (grouped by payment created date) – including related services Report.

Q: In the New Payments Report, how do I automatically expand the invoice and service rows (Using the + Symbol) so I don’t need to manually do this when printing my reports?

A: After selecting the New Payments Report, click on the Billing tab of the ‘Choose your Report Parameters’ window.

Bp Premier Reports Report Parameters 

At the bottom right, tick the ‘Expand all Invoice Rows’ and ‘Expand all Service Rows’ checkboxes.

Q: How do I run New Reports so it doesn’t display any patient information?

A: All financial reports have the option to print a ‘Summary’ version which does not display any patient information. Some examples of this are:

  • Services Summary – by Account Type (grouped by service created)
  • Payments Summary – by Account Type (grouped by payment created)

Q: What are the different options for viewing the reports?

A: You can change how you view the report in the Configuration tab of the ‘Choose your Report Parameters’ window.

  • Change the default zoom
  • Change the default grouping
  • Choose to exclude inactive users
  • Include page breaks

Bp Premier Reports Choose Report Parameters

You can also Save this configuration of the report so it’s the same the next time you run it.

Q: Which New Report do I use to find out billings for Workcover?

A: In the Services – by Account Type (grouped by service created) Report, all Account Types are grouped together on the right-hand side of the report. Workcover has a separate column.

Bp Premier Reports Services by Account Type

Q: Which report do I run to see a doctor’s billings for the day?

A: The most common New Report to find doctor’s billings for the day is the Services – by Account Type (grouped by service created).

Bp Premier Reports Services By Account Type 2

You also have the option to group the data by item numbers when using the Services – by Account Type (grouped by service created and item) Report.

Q: Why is the Services Report total more than the Payments Reports?

A: Services relate to invoices generated by doctors, and Payments are made against these Services. Your Total Services will almost always be greater than your Total Payments because you don’t get paid on the day for Bulk-Bill, DVA, Workcover, and Employer/Insurance invoices. Only patients which are invoiced privately generally pay on the day. While you have created services for all patient appointments, not all these services will have a payment initially.

Q: How can I compare Care Plan billings to the Practice’s Total billings?

A: The Services – by Account Type (grouped by service created and item) Report can be used to gather this information. Firstly, you need to run this report for all item numbers to get the Practice’s Total billings.

You’ll then need to run the same report again, except only include the Care Plan item numbers in the Billing tab of the ‘Choose your Report Parameters’ window.

Bp Premier Reports Care Plan Billings

The report will know generate data for only those selected item numbers which you can then compare with your Practice’s Total billings.

Q: How do I generate a report to discover what specific item numbers have been billed?

A: The Services – by Account Type (grouped by service created and item) Report will display all the item numbers that have been invoiced to patients. There are several factors to consider here:

  1. You can choose the default report grouping as either Location, User, or User (Location) in the Configuration tab of the ‘Choose your Report Parameters’ window.Bp Premier Reports Choose Report Parameters 2
  1. You can also select specific item numbers to include in your report in the Billing tab of the ‘Choose your Report Parameters’ window.Choose Report Parameters - Billing

Q: Which report can I run to show how many days a doctor worked during the year?

A: Unfortunately, there are no old reports nor new reports which gives you this information. You can work out how many days a doctor was away using the Days Away by Provider Report. You can also find out the number of patient appointments and patient appointment hours a doctor spent consulting in the Appointment Statistics – Individual Locations Report.

Appointment Statistics

The easiest way to calculate the total number of days worked for a doctor is to put the appointment book on ‘Week View’ and manually count them.

Q: Which report do I use to calculate how much I need to pay my Locums if they get paid 70% of their billings?

A: You can find out the Total Services performed in the Services – by account type (grouped by service created) Report. Simply calculate their total Services and multiple this figure by 0.7.

Services by Account Type

In this example, I would pay Dr Frederick Findacure a total of $1,172.05 * 0.7 = $820.44 for his work on 27 August.

Q: Which report do I use to show all outstanding Medicare claims?

A: The best way to view all outstanding Medicare claims is to navigate to Management > Online Claiming from the Main Screen. All unreconciled batches will appear by default in this window, and you can action any errors and rejections as necessary.

The Online Claiming – Batches including services and payments Report will display a list of all batches within a specified time frame, along with the corresponding services and payments.

Online Claiming Batches

Q: Which report can I use to find which patients didn’t pay on the day?

A: The Debtors (grouped by provider) – aged by Invoice Date report will display your entire list of debtors grouped by provider.

This is a standard aged debtors report which lists all services owing into current, 31-60, 60-90, and 90+ days columns with a separate GST column.

Q: Which report can I run to discover if there have been any unbilled appointments?

A: We recommend that the Practice Manager runs an Appointments (grouped by user) Report to ensure that all patient appointments have a corresponding invoice. This Report specifies the total appointment count in addition to a total invoice count. At the end of the day, these two figures should be equal.

Appointments Grouped By User

Q: Payments are missing from my report. Why?

A: To ensure your reports generate accurate data, it’s paramount that you use the Payment Created Date, not the Payment Date. If you have any payments missing from your report, the most common cause is because you’ve backdated the payment so it isn’t included in the specified time period. You’re also most likely using a Payments report based on the Payment Date and you should use a Payments report based on the Payment Created Date.

When highlighting a report, the report description on the right-hand side will give you a warning if this report shouldn’t be used to pay your doctors (i.e. Reports based on the Payment Date). Please always check to ensure there is no such warning when running your Payment Report to ensure the data is accurate and reliable.

Days Away By Doctor

Q: I can’t seem to find a New Report in the reporting module. How do I go about getting this report into my system?

A: New Bp Premier reports (and updates to existing reports) are included in our monthly Drug Database Updates. Email notifications are sent to practices once they’re available to download from our website. By default, all new reports will not be allocated to users, so you need to perform the following steps:

  1. From the main screen, navigate to Setup > Users.
  2. Select the user you wish to allocate new reports.
  3. Click the Set Reports button in their user window.
  4. Tick the checkbox next to each report you wish to allocate to the user, ensuring you also set the ‘Practitioner Access’ and ‘Locations’ on the right side of the window.

Q: If I pay my providers based on payments received, can I use the Transaction report (grouped by payment created date)? Will this report give the same outcome as Payments by Account Type (grouped by payment created date)?

A: Yes, as long as you are selecting Transaction Report (grouped by payment created date).

These figures will be the same as the figures in the Payments – by Account Type (grouped by payment created date) on the right-side of the report, and will also display information about their associated services on the left-side of the report.A

What if my Bp Premier reports question still hasn’t been answered?

If you have a question about the new Bp Premier reports that we haven’t answered above, please get in touch with us and we’ll do our best to find an answer for you. You can email us at, or call us on 1300 40 1111.
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