Part 2 of 2
Regardless of whether you’re a physiotherapist, exercise physiologist, occupational therapist or any other kind of allied health professional, the range of discipline-specific modules built-in to Bp Allied can help you run your Practice with efficiency and ease.
Last month, I covered half of the modules available within Bp Allied that are tailored to specific disciplines.
Today I will be talking through the remainder of professions we support in Bp Allied, primarily relating to physical health disciplines. For users who are multi-disciplined, we offer a variety of customisable features to have the software suit your workflow.
If you haven’t had a chance to read part 1 on discipline-specific modules built-in to Bp Allied for health professionals, you can do so here.
For Physiotherapists:
The physiotherapist module has unique fields to record the assessment to monitor pain over time and to determine the effectiveness of any intervention. This module comes with distinct templates for SPPATAP notes, pain history and a body chart. Bp Allied also integrates with Physitrack, a popular physio tracking software package.
Below are some of the fields available to this module on initial install of Bp Allied:
Medical/Pain History Details: Medical History, Previous Injuries/Trauma, Physical Activity, Medication/Supplements, Ergonomics at work, History of Presenting Problem, Description of Pain, Aggravating and Factors, Signs and Symptoms, Orthopaedic Testing.
SOATAP: Subjective, Objective, Analysis, Treatment, Analysis of Treatment, Plan.
Consultation Details: Assessment, ROM, Treatment, Home Rehab, and Further Rx Plan.
For more information on Bp Allied’s Physiotherapy module, click here.
For Occupational Therapists:
The Occupational Therapist module in BP Allied includes Child & Adolescent Developmental History Assessment and Aged Care Assessment and a Rehab Assessment. The consultation fields include the progress, goals, and care plan to assist in surveying your clients’ needs.
Below are some of the fields available to this module on initial install of Bp Allied:
History Details: Child/Adolescent Development History, Aged Care Assessment, Rehab Initial Assessment Medical History.
Consultation Details: Progress, Plan, Referred To, Action/Interventions.
Care Plan: Problem, Goal, Intervention, Date Achieved.
For more information on Bp Allied’s Occupational Therapy module, click here.
For Exercise Physiologists:
The Exercise Physiologist module comes with the specific physical activity history fields, activity plans/goals, review and injury management, body chart annotations along with the standard personal/medical history fields. Bp Allied also integrates with Physitrack, a popular exercise prescription software package.
Below are some of the fields available to this module on initial install of Bp Allied:
History Details: Medical History, Physical activity history, Current exercise levels.
Injury Management: Sub, Ob, Ag/E, Presentation, Client Goals of Treatment, Exercise Physiologist Goals of Treatment, Treatment Plan.
Consultation Details: SOAP Notes, Weight, Height, BMI, Hip and Waist Measurement, Hip/Waist ratio, BGL Fasting, HbA1c, Body Fat, Activity Plan, Review Consultation.
For more information on Bp Allied’s Exercise Physiology module, click here.
For Massage Therapists:
The Massage Therapist module comes with the specific features for the massage therapist. The layout includes the fields for Pain History, SOAP Notes, Physical assessment, Muscle strength tests, and comes with the body charts.
Below are some of the fields available to this module on initial install of Bp Allied:
Medical and Pain History: Medical History, Previous Injuries/Trauma, Physical Activity, Medical Conditions, Medication, Presenting Symptoms, History of Presenting Problem, Aggravating/Relieving Factors, ROM, Signs and Symptoms, Orthopaedic Testing.
Assessment: Standing Flexion, Sitting Flexion, Valsalva (Slump), VAT, Homans Sign (DVT), Orthopaedic Tests, Neural Tests, Muscle Strength Test.
Consultation Details: SOAP Notes, Assessment, Treatment, Home Rehab, and Further Rx Plan, Progress Made.
For more information on Bp Allied’s Massage Therapist module, click here.
For Chiropractors:
The Chiropractor Module has unique fields for chiropractors, including information on patient core stability exercises, McKenzie exercises, trigger points, and cranial nerves.
Below are some of the fields available to this module on initial install of Bp Allied:
Complaint History: Chief Complaint Description, MOI – Insidious, Trauma, Character – Sharp/Dull, Duration, Frequency Pattern, Radiation, Aggravating, Cough/Sneeze, Relieving, Previous Occurrences/Treatment/Imaging, Other Complaints.
Consultation Details: Improvement (%), Progress Notes, Soft Tissue (ART, Graston, Cross Friction), Electro-Stimulation, Acupuncture Notes, Core Stability Exercises, McKenzie Exercises, Shoulder Rehab Exercises, Manipulation.
Detailed Consultation fields: Reflexes (Left and Right), Upper/Lower Limb (Light Touch, Sharp/Dull, Vibration, Motor), Other Neurological (Rhomberg’s, Clonus), Cranial Nerves, Hypertonicity/Tenderness, Trigger Points, L/Spine- Pelvis (Left & Right), Shoulder (Left & Right), Knee (Left & Right), Leg Lengths/Scoliosis, T/Spine, C/Spine (Left & Right), Palpation for Pain (Left & Right).
For more information on Bp Allied’s Chiropractor module, click here.
But Don’t Take Our Word For It…
We recently discussed the benefits of on-boarding Bp Allied into a multi-disciplinary clinic with Bloomhill Cancer Care, a nurse-led, community-based clinic on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast. Bloomhill offers services such as psychology and counselling, exercise physiology, occupational therapy and a range of holistic and complementary therapies such as acupuncture, lymphoedema management, reflexology and oncology massage. They’ve been operating on Bp Allied for just under two years, and the software’s flexibility and potential for customisation has been of immense benefit to them. You can read about Bloomhill Cancer Care’s experience with Bp Allied here.
I hope the second part of this look at discipline specific modules built-in to Bp Allied has offered an insight into some of the tailored functionality Bp Allied has to offer, as well as the customisation available to get the system to work the way you want it to. From patient notes to care plans, patient history to tests, Bp Allied has you covered.
If you’d like to learn more about Bp Allied and how it can assist you as an allied health professional, feel free to get in touch with our sales team at, or give us a call on 1300 40 1111 if you’re in Australia, or 0800 40 1111 from New Zealand.
Authored by:
Deepika Mukkapati
Support Specialist at Best Practice Software