Dictate with Confidence and Implement Strategies to Improve Practice Efficiency

The ever-evolving landscape of healthcare is being significantly reshaped by technology. Gone are the days of overflowing inboxes, and mountains of paperwork and invoices. Today, a wave of innovative apps and software solutions are empowering healthcare professionals to streamline their workflows and maximise efficiency. These digital tools are not only saving valuable time, but also improving accuracy, communication, and overall patient care. Let’s explore how using a smartphone app helped to optimise the dictation and transcription for an Australian practice.

This large, well-established specialist practice had an admin team of 11 with two senior medical secretaries taking on the bulk of the practice typing. As the number of specialists grew, it became necessary to bolster the typing pool. The practice engaged an overseas typing agency with poor quality transcripts, lack of local nuance, and the idea that data visible outside of Australia potentially contravened Australian Privacy Principles.

The practice persevered with this inefficient, substandard overseas transcription solution as it was hard to find local typists who could work on a similar budget. Despite their competent secretarial team, the practice couldn’t keep up with the volume of letters and the practice manager knew the overseas typing agency was far from ideal.

After an in-depth review of their internal business processes, it was uncovered that sound files, data, and documentation were being double handled at multiple levels across the practice. The current process was very manual and administration-heavy, the practice identified that it could be eased with the use of an intelligent transcript app. The app enabled a complete end-to-end transcription process that removed many administration touchpoints within the practice.

The doctors in the practice uploaded VoiceBox Intelligent Transcript to their mobile devices to easily dictate letters in a consistent format with transparent workflows. It is no surprise that investing in technology can empower healthcare professionals to reclaim their time, reduce stress, and provide more time for their patients.

By leveraging technology with the VoiceBox Intelligent Transcript app, the practice was able to reclaim their time to focus on what matters most – their patients.

Technology and digital platforms are supporting busy healthcare professionals to optimise their efficiency and elevate patient care. These innovative tools offer a powerful solution to help ease the burden of administration, freeing up valuable time for direct patient interaction and improved health outcomes. By embracing digital tools like VoiceBox Intelligent Transcript, doctors can streamline workflows, ensure data accuracy, and enhance communication, ultimately creating a more efficient practice and a more positive experience for both themselves and their patients.

VoiceBox IT

Scenarios in this publication are based on Avant claims experience to date. Certain information has been de-identified to preserve privacy and confidentiality.

Persons implementing any recommendations contained in this publication must exercise their own independent skill or judgment or seek appropriate professional advice relevant to their own particular practice. Compliance with any recommendations will not in any way guarantee discharge of the duty of care owed to patients and others coming into contact with the health professional or practice. Avant and Avant Practice Solutions are not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this information. Information is only current at the date initially published. © Avant Mutual Group Limited 2024.

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